Dark Fiber
Dark Fiber
UFINET has one of the most extensive fiber optic networks in Latin America, connecting the most important cities in the countries where it operates. Its network has more than 130,000 km of F.O. and connects 1000+ nodes, 76,000+ on-net buildings, 100,000+ near-net buildings, 5,800+ on-net towers, 1,000+ leased towers/poles, 2,200+ connected cities and towns.

UFINET customers benefit from being able to use only the dark F.O. wires they need, whether for short-, medium- or long-distance requests. In this way they avoid dealing with the innumerable administrations that hold the rights of way and delegate the management of their external plant to expert hands, being able to focus on providing the higher value-added services that differentiate them in the market.