Data Center
Data Center
As a complementary part of the capacity transport and fiber optic connectivity services, UFINET can offer its customers equipment co-location services.
UFINET has 21 Data Centers/Carrier Hotels where 7 of them have Tier-III certifications by the Uptime Institute in countries such as Chile, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and Costa Rica, interconnected by their own high-speed links with high availability and very low latency. Meets the Uptime Institute’s Facility and Design standards, serving the most demanding customers in the telecommunications and technology industry.
Additionally, UFINET offers colocation in several of its telecom POP’s, some of which have become Telco Rooms of reference and are widely used by the main players of the telecom ecosystem in different countries.

Get to know our main Data Centers
All UFINET DCs have available power and sufficient space for future growth. As we are neutral Data Centers, we allow access to all operators to our facilities, and we can also give our customers access to our 130,000 kms of dark fiber in Latin America, thus connecting not only with our other Data Centers but with the entire ecosystem of Data Centers existing in LATAM.
Each of them has multiple fiber optic accesses, which guarantees diversity of access to the most important submarine cable stations in the region. We also have multiple international outlets, which allows us to connect our Data Center customers directly to public clouds located within LATAM or in the United States.