IP Transit
The Internet service provided by UFINET is transported over its extensive terrestrial fiber optic network, complementing its international outlets with the region’s main submarine cables. It is delivered directly to the end customer over the UFINET network (end to end), which guarantees high availability in the connectivity provided, which is backed by strict Quality of Service Agreements (SLA).

UFINET connects its customers to the world through a complex network of interconnections with the main international Tier-1 operators, through peering agreements at several points of presence (POP’s) in US nodes, among which are NAP of the Americas in Miami FL, Cologix in Jacksonville FL, One Wilshire Coresite in LA, NYC1-60 Hudson in NY, Equinix in Ashburn. Likewise, UFINET improves its connectivity through its CDN.
Characteristics and Coverage:
DIA (dedicated internet access)
The Internet service provided by UFINET is transported over its extensive terrestrial fiber optic network, complementing its international outlets with the region’s main submarine cables. It is delivered directly to the end customer over the UFINET network (end to end), which guarantees high availability in the connectivity provided, backed by strict Service Quality Agreements (SLA) and with a high quality of service in terms of latencies and browsing experience.

UFINET connects its customers to the world through a complex network of interconnections with the main international Tier-1 operators, through peering agreements at several points of presence (POP’s) in US nodes, among which are NAP of the Americas in Miami FL, Cologix in Jacksonville FL, One Wilshire Coresite in LA, NYC1-60 Hudson in NY, Equinix in Ashburn. Likewise, UFINET improves its connectivity through its CDN.